Daily Archives: June 15, 2010

killing time

Still am not in my expanded learning commons. My facade– once positive, excited and calm—is slipping more into a rebellious, pissy and exasperated look. Someone actually told me that I look like I’m mean. Another person commented on my projected aura needing improvement. Suddenly I seem to be surrounded by spiritual minded individuals. Who knew? I notice they aren’t commenting when I amĀ  pleasant and helpful. Vultures. Anyway, I’m sure that is probably my negative aura talking.

Focusing on ALA. And DC. And the completion of this process. Oh, and have I expressed my love for the poem a day I get from Poets.org? They may not all be great, but they all at least make me think or rethink the way we string words together. It makes me happy.

And I’ve started reading Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier and so far am getting into the Cherokee way of life that is depicted. I’m not crazy about the writing, but we’ll see where it goes and I’m not ready to trash it as some reviews have. And the silver screen has brought back the hot mess that is True Blood. Sigh. I do so love the biting.

Summertime is providing it’s on entertainment though. Clouds keep rolling in and sounding throughout the city. Nothing like a storm to keep it in perspective.